Today, I dealt with a totally broken installation of Couchbase 2.0.0 Developer Preview. I couldn't find why but, although views were returning the right results, when I tried to retrieve a single document, I was getting the error below: { "error": "badrpc", "reason": "{'EXIT',{{{badmatch,{error,closed}}, [{mc_client_binary,cmd_binary_vocal_recv,5}, {mc_client_binary,get_meta,3}, {ns_memcached,do_handle_call,3}, {gen_server,handle_msg,5}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}, {gen_server,call, [{'ns_memcached-$data-default','ns...@'}, {get_meta,<>,37}, 30000]}}}" } This is taken from Network Monitor panel on Chrome. On Coucbase admin console (:8091) the only message I got was "Unknown error". I tried to upgrade the couchbase version by downloading one of the latests builds, which is said to be more stable and have less problems that Developer Preview. But, this is what happened when I tried to instal...